29 de junio de 2007

Pinked by you

Shake the smile of my wings
you make me feel I can't breathe
you show the world what i'm not doing right

Close the light of my eyes
why shouldn't leave you and run?
why would I love you, even when I can?

No one to tell you
to help you, to save you
nobody is believing in you

No one to fight you
they don't wanna hear you
they're tired of what you do

I'm going down this river once again
I'm drowning in your voice and can't be saved
I bought your understanding kind of self
I drop the coin and it never never ended twisting

Silence the thunder from my back
but you can't do it, but if you could tried
and there's no return on what you've done on the night

No one to teach you
you're closed to me ans them
they won't complain but they won't pray

I'm going down this river once again
I'm drawning in your voice and can't be saved
I bought your understanding kind of self
I drop the coin and it never never ended twisting

Shut up 'cause I'm going down the spine
The chill you're making me feel won't stop
But I can make it end
You know I really can

And you are afraid of knowing that I can

24 de junio de 2007


So when I feel I could crush
something is keeping me alive
it has no face, it has no life
I look above all the stars
I listen at every sound
I get to know what is that

I saw you trying to make me
I felt you trying to help me
I sensed you trying to teach me
But I can't do much more

And of all the things I try
of all the things I pray for
of all the things that fill me up
One of them will catch me when I fall
I'music, that's all
And of all the things you patch
of all the things you scream for
of all the things that freak you out
One of them will never leave me to fall
I'music, we're music
That's all

Sometimes you think I decide
when I will cry and deny
You just don't get it, don't you hon?
It's my heart the one to follow
and you can't teach me, you don't
But there's something inside me to try

I heard it when it screamed
inside all over me and deeper
I knew I had to hunt it then
But now I have and live it

And of all the things I try

of all the things I pray for
of all the things that fill me up
One of them will catch me when I fall
I'music, that's all
And of all the things you patch
of all the things you scream for
of all the things that freak you out
One of them will never leave me to fall
I'music, we're music
That's all

You won't fix me while I'm crying
You don't know what I'm trying
I feel it, it lives in me
I feel it, I live for it

And of all the things I try
of all the things I pray for
of all the things that fill me up
One of them will catch me when I fall
I'music, that's all
And of all the things you patch
of all the things you scream for
of all the things that freak you out
One of them will never leave me to fall
I'music, we're music
That's all

22 de junio de 2007


I have been lonely
Yeah, so lonely
Lots of times in my life

I thought it was over
Done and over
I could live it right now

But then I wake up every morning
watching everything fall apart
It's like nobody allows me to be real
they don't like who I am

Why do the feeling I hold inside
look so familiar when they should look so far?
Why am I praying for this life to start
if I should have been living it for so many time?
Why looks so angry the smile in her eyes
as if nobody could tell me that I'm gonna be fine?
Why should I keep on living this lie?
I don't trust anyone no longer and I don't wanna be fine

So many voices have pressed all over me
the buttons to crush
And now they tell me I'm an MVP
How not to see it's a lie?

The people that I've always loved
now are letting me fall
Don't try to tease me with your answers
I'm not an idiot you know?

Why do the feeling I hold inside look so familiar

when they should look so far?

Why am I praying for this life to start

if I should have been living it for so many time?

Why looks so angry the smile in her eyes

as if nobody could tell me that I'm gonna be fine?

Why should I keep on living this lie?

I don't trust anyone no longer and I don't wanna be fine

And I don't wanna keep on playing the part of the dumb
You made me think I was an asswhole and now you try to rewind
Had no one ever told you that there are things not to try?
I've never been so sad or angry like I'm with you right now

Why should I leave my world believing
that yours is so much more fine?
Nobody try to give me answers
you just think they're too much
I've gotta tell you something
Doesn't matter, you won't mind.

14 de junio de 2007

Hasta el fin del mundo

Y te seguiré hasta el fin del mundo.
Y allí donde nos prometieron que no habría nada
encontraremos una isla.
Y allí donde nos prometieron que habría una isla
encontraremos agua.
Y nadaremos en ella sobre nuestras almas.

Y te seguiré hasta el fin del mundo.
Y allí donde nos prometieron que habría todo
no encontraremos nada.
Y nos sentiremos desahuciados
pero estaremos juntos y entenderemos
que hemos encontrado todo lo que buscábamos.

Y te seguiré hasta el fin del mundo.
Y cuando lleguemos
nos daremos cuenta de que no existe.
Porque el fin del mundo estará
allí donde nuestro amor se acaba.

11 de junio de 2007


Volvió a mirar el vaso vacío que tenía enfrente y se arrepintió de no haberlo llenado. Mientras escribía en su computadora personal, Sarah trataba de imaginarse la próxima palabra que vendría a su cabeza. Era un proceso difícil, pero entretenido; hacía mucho tiempo ya que el escribir se había vuelto rutinario.
Cinco años pasaron desde su primer trabajo serio como redactora de la "nueva revista para la mujer" . Bueno, serio. Eso es lo que le decía a todo el mundo, salvo por la parte de para quién escribía. "Empecé en una revista de tirada mensual millonaria" se limitaba a acotar.
Apariencias, eso era todo lo que importaba ya. Empezó siendo un trabajo sumamente ideológico, moral y fantástico, único en el mundo. Escribía, disfrutaba, era como ser rockera de nivel mundial a los 20 pero en el ámbito que a ella le interesaba. Ergo, era muchísimo mejor. Ahora, se limitaba a aparentar que disfrutaba sus escritos, que quería a quienes la querían, que escribía lo que le gustaba y que decía lo que pensaba. Tenía bien en claro que no era así: decía lo que sabía que querían los demás que dijera, escribía lo que le pedían, no podía soportar a quienes la querían, aborrecía sus escritos vacíos e insignificantes.

Sarah volvió a su escritorio y retomó las últimas palabras que había escrito: "para este verano". Casi podía decir que si no lo estuviese escribiendo en ese mismo instante y hubiese leído esa frase de entre un grupo de sus notas mezcladas, jamás podría haber adivinado sobre cuál de todos sus reportes se trataba. Esa era una de las frases más repetidas, pero claro, a las mujeres lectoras de la revista no les molestaba, si eran tan falsas como el invierno en Ecuador. Todavía no se había cruzado con una graduada en Trabajo Social, con una maestra jardinera de un barrio carenciado o con una desocupada ama de casa de los suburbios que se entregara durante su tarde a leer ese conjunto de 100 páginas, 10000 palabras, 15 temas que se le entregaba quincenalmente en la entrada a su hogar.

Y ahí estaba ella todavía, sentada en su escritorio de esa redacción fría y desconsiderada que lo único que intentaba era alcanzar su máximo poder de persuación acerca de la tristeza y genialidad de la moda. Ella, la más fuerte y brillante de su clase universitaria, cualquiera que le nombraran. Ella, la que tenía la capacidad y el poder de modificar su propio futuro y, porqué no, el de alguna redacción de ya gran reputación, eligió, como suelen hacer los hombres mortales, el camino fácil.

Le habían enseñado cómo pintarse, cómo vestirse, cómo hablar y mentir en un mundo que la rodeó toda su vida. Así nació, creció y vivió hasta ese momento: ¿por qué habría de cambiar ahora? Lamentablemente, conocía la respuesta: porque podía, porque debía, porque se lo debía. Pero sencillamente no podía, era imposible. El frío que la rodeó todos esos años habría alcanzado su objetivo: ahora ella era una más de las resignadas.

4 de junio de 2007

Said my reading

After all the things we always talked I'm dizzy
Where did we miss it? Are we dismissing?
Has just passed the right train back to healing?
I'm really ready to forget what I'm missing

Sincerely yours, I'm looking for a mirror
You didn't tell me ever where there was an ambition
You took me there when we were still so vicious
Forgive m for loosing all the contradictions

And I kept hidden all the hopes and feelings
And I felt like I was falling and pretending
Nobody ever would understand the meaning
No, ever

I quote the reasons why we lost all the rhythm we had
I saw you by my side breathing while I was falling in your kisses
Close the past and left the unforgiven back where we can see it
Please leave it so I don't have to reach it

Nobody ever warned about the danger
How could I see it? Were you really an stranger?
Cut the words that now I'm not a hater
How could I be it? I'll always be with you right there

We were excited about in the world our mission
They told us better, why pay them attention?
Suppose there's something for their protection
is now the time for us to be outrageous?

You said you forgive yourself, are you kidding?
You promised me you'll stay here, I didn't listen
There's no way I'll hear you
No way

I quote the reasons why we lost all the rhythm we had
I saw you by my side breathing while I was falling in your kisses
Close the past and left the unforgiven back where we can see it
Please leave it so I don't have to reach it