7 de diciembre de 2009


Sometimes we just don't get what we won't, we get what we need. Eventually, some amazing musician ends up making that knowledge into a song. But despite the fact that we are the last ones to realize that we've lost the track, somehow life finds the way to show us that we'll do just fine.
Then, when everything shows up like it's all right, TV turns on o a movie comes up. A character acts like no one we know. That's the moment when we have a choice: we watch it as the imaginary expressed on a channel, or we hope for it to be the nearest to our reality as it can. Once you've started to go through that way, there's no coming back. You begin to think that there's the possibility of something of what you've just seen to be magically real.
I have no doubt that sometimes our senses are overrated. We trust them too much, and nobody warns us about the dangers of that believing. And we go for it, we go from 0 to 100 in 1 second, and when the wall comes up in front of our face, we pray with all our faith to get to our brakes before that wall gets to us.
At least, from where I came, feelings are bigger than brains when trouble appears. We spend all our lives trying to reach that point where we can leave our hearts behind, and decide about almost everything with those experiences that tell us we should run away or stay and fight, because either we or someone we know have been there or done that. But somehow, explosions happen. Things blow up and we have half a second to choose between being real or being smart, being true to ourselves or being true to our century. It's hard to think when nobody thinking, it's hard to take responsibility for the actions we didn't think about. And in the middle of all that, we, standing there, confused, scared, childishly behaving. We really wanna scream with all our voice that we cannot be more ashamed and that we need mum and dad to help us. But we can't. We can't because now people are watching. People don't watch, stare, and we know that. And we are more afraid of what people may say, than what we could say to ourselves if we saw us doing that.
I don't know if I'm wrong, I have no idea if what I feel it's right. I've stopped thinking about right and wrong a long time ago. Thankfully, I've realized that no matter what I do or what I choose, someone it's gonna be unhappy, upset (and I'm gonna be sad because I cannot fulfilled his or her expectations). Then, all I hope it's for love. For someone to love me, and who allows me to love back. Without fear, without taboos. Without nothing between us, just who lets me enjoy life. Like in the movie, like in fake life.

1 comentario:

Martin Gonzalez dijo...

Desde el momento en que lei la siguiente frase, no pude volver a ver ciertas decisiones de la misma forma, lo que escribiste me hizo recordar esa frase y lo mucho que me falta para ser esa persona que no es mas que una bola de coraje.

"You cannot run away from a weakness; you must sometimes fight it out or perish. And if that be so, why not now, and where you stand?"
Robert Louis Stevenson
